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Inspiration, Insights and Ideas

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Fundraising (2)

Philanthropy Series: Fundraising in the Digital Space

On 10 March 2021, the Spektrix Global Fundraising Team hosted a roundtable discussion titled ‘Fundraising Events in the Digital Space’ as a part of...

Feature Spotlight: Donations Web Component

In this blog, we’re shining the spotlight on a Spektrix feature that encourages charitable giving through your website. Find out about our users’...

So what do we do now?

Sam Freeman is Communications and Giving Director at Theatr Clwyd. When we read this post on his arts marketing blog, we thought it might be of...

Retaining Arts Income During Covid-19 Using the Ticket Converter Tool

As the famous phrase goes: if you don’t ask, the answer will always be no. Arts audiences have always been heavily invested - both emotionally and...

Relationships that Last

As Sector Strategy Lead at Spektrix, it’s my job to ensure that we support the sector to tackle the big-picture challenges and opportunities we face...

Theatre Fundraising: How to ask for donations under £50

Getting a big cheque from a major donor is an exciting moment for every fundraiser, but small donations can play a larger role for arts organisations...

Four Arts Fundraising Strategies that Drive Donations

The importance of individual philanthropy in the arts is more critical now than ever to organizations’ bottom lines. But individual giving itself is...

The Spektrix Insights Report 2019 is Here

Bringing together data analysis on over 25 million transactions across 343 organisations, the Spektrix Insights 2019 Report is here. 

Moves Management: Managing relationships the clever way

Put simply, Moves Management is a method of managing relationships. Whether you’re working in Fundraising, Sales or you just need to focus on...

Why you should Engage Young People in your Fundraising

Who do I mean by “young people” you may be asking? I guess it’s different for different organisations but in general I’m talking about those...

How to Get the Most out of Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a widely recognised ‘brand’, letting UK-based charities claim back 25p from every £1 donated. It’s now a no-brainer for any registered...